Japan: Trademark Law Revision Act promulgated on June 14, 2023

The Japan Trademark Law Revision Act of 2023 (Act No. 51) passed Congress on June 7 and was promulgated on June 14. Hot topics of the revision are:

1. An individual can register his/her name as a trademark to the extent that it has acquired a substantial degree of recognition among relevant consumers of the designated goods or services

Current law provides that the name of a person is unregistrable if there is another person of the same name unless obtaining his/her consent (Article 4(1)(viii)).

Current – Article 4(1)(viii)

Trademark shall not be registered if the mark contains the portrait of another person, or the name, famous pseudonym, professional name, or pen name of another person, or famous abbreviation thereof (except those the registration of which has been approved by the person concerned)

By virtue of the revision, in the event that the name of a person has been widely recognized as a source indicator of his/her business, the individual can register his/her name without the consent of another person of the same name.

Revision – Article 4(1)(viii)

Trademark shall not be registered if the mark contains the portrait of another person, or the full name of another person (limited to that has been widely recognized as a result of actual use on goods or services of the person’s business), the name, famous pseudonym, professional name or pen name of another person, or famous abbreviation thereof (except those the registration of which has been approved by the person concerned), or the name of another person that would not meet with requirements specified by government ordinance.

It should note above revision does not apply to the name of a company (legal entity). A company can’t register its name without the consent of another company of the same name if exists.

 2. A mark can be registered even if it is subject to Article 4(1)(xi) which prohibits registration of any mark identical or similar to earlier trademark registration, on the condition that the earlier trademark owner gives consent and there is no likelihood of confusion with the earlier mark as a matter of fact.

For long years, the JPO has not considered, in the course of trademark examination, consent from earlier trademark owners as a pass to open the gate for registration.

Due to a rigid examination practice, the applicant and earlier trademark owner, regardless of mutual agreement to give consent to trademark registration in Japan and other jurisdictions, were all the way obliged to temporally transfer their trademark right to either party and then take action to assign it back after the JPO granted registration of the applied mark.

By virtue of the revision, the applicant can overcome the refusal based on a conflict with earlier trademark registration in Japan by filing a letter of consent from the earlier trademark owner and the JPO examiner believes the co-existence of both marks would not cause confusion.

New – Article 4(4)

Trademark shall not be rejected under Article 4(1)(xi) provided that the applicant obtains consent from the owner of the cited mark under the article and it is unlikely to cause confusion with the cited owner and its exclusive or non-exclusive licensee when used on goods or services designated under the application.

It should note the JPO still has the discretion to reject or cancel trademark registration even after the filing of a letter of consent where they find a likelihood of confusion or actual confusion (Article 52-2).

When does the revised act come into force?

The revised act is set to become effective from April 1, 2024.

Japan: Trademark Law Revision Act promulgated on May 21, 2021

The Japan Trademark Law Revision Act of 2021 (Act No. 42) passing congress on May 14, 2021, was promulgated on May 21.

Hot topics of trademark-related revision are:

1. On-line oral hearing

Under the current law, the Japan Patent Office (JPO) has no choice but to hold an oral hearing for administrative proceedings only when the parties are physically present in the oral proceedings. The revised act enables the JPO to hold oral proceedings by video conference.

2. Notifications by email

Under the current law, trademark applicant via the Madrid Protocol gets to know the status of registration only by means of receiving written notification from the JPO. The revised act allows the JPO to electronically send registration notifications to the applicant via the International Bureau by email.

3. Customs enforcement

In view of an increasing number of counterfeits imported for private use, the revised act restricts the counterfeits that were exported from a foreign country via postal mail by a business entity even if purchased by a private person in Japan and constitute trademark infringement at the time when they enter the territory of Japan.

4. Payment of second official fee for registration via the Madrid Protocol

Article 68-30 of the revised act looks attractive to Madrid users indeed. The Madrid users are no longer required to pay a second official fee to the JPO in order to accomplish trademark registration in Japan.

5. Fee increase

The revised act increases official fees for trademarks by more than 10%. Details will be decided by the JPO.

Official feeExistingRevised act
Filing feeJPY28,200/classLess than JPY32,900/class (17% increase)
Registration feeJPY38,800/classLess than JPY43,60/class (12% increase)

When does the revised act come into force?

The revised act is set to become effective within a year from the promulgation date.