Trademark Parody case : Champion vs Nyanpion

On Novem 20, 2024, the Japan Patent Office (JPO) handed a win to HBI Branded Apparel Enterprises, LLC in trademark invalidation action against TM Reg no. 6368388 for the mark “Nyanpion” with a cat face logo due to similarity to the famous apparel brand “Champion.”
[Invalidation case no. 2022-890045]

Contested mark

A Japanese individual applied a composite mark consisting of a stylized word “Nyanpion” and a cat face logo (see below) for use on apparel, headgear, footwear, sports shoes, and sportswear in class 25 with the JPO on August 25, 2020. “Nyan” is the sound cats make in Japan. Because of it, “Nyanpion” easily reminds us of a combination of cat sounds and “Champion”.

T-shirts, sweats, hoodies, and tote bags bearing the Nyanpion mark have been promoted for sale with a catchword of “Champion” parody.

As the JPO published the Nyanpion mark for a post-grant opposition on April 13, 2021, HBI Branded Apparel Enterprises, LLC filed an opposition against the opposed mark on June 14 of that year. However, the JPO Opposition Board dismissed the entire opposition by finding dissimilarity to and unlikelihood of confusion with famous “Champion” mark on March 16, 2022. [Opposition case no. 2021-900230]

Invalidation action by Champion

On June 17, 2022, HBI Branded Apparel Enterprises, LLC filed an invalidation action against the Nyanpion mark with the JPO.

HBI repeatedly argued the opposed mark shall be canceled in contravention of Article 4(1)(vii), (x), (xi), (xv), and (xix) of the Japan Trademark Law because of the remarkable reputation and popularity of the Champion brand in relation to apparels and a high degree of similarity between the contested mark and its owned trademark registrations (see below) to the extent that relevant consumers are likely to confuse a source of the goods in question bearing the contested mark with “Champion”.

JPO Decision

The JPO Invalidation Board acknowledged that the “Champion” mark has acquired a high degree of reputation as a result of substantial use in Japan for more than four decades and has become remarkably famous as a source indicator of the opponent.

In assessing similarity, the Board found that:

The design portion of two marks have in common that the inside of the horizontal oval, which is drawn with a thick blue line and has an opening, is divided vertically into three parts, the middle colored in blue, the side with the opening colored in white and the side without the opening colored in red.

Differences in the presence of a face motif and two triangles placed at the top of the horizontal oval, in the direction of the opening of the horizontal oval and in the position of the red color within the horizontal oval would be less impressive given the resemblance in the overall configuration and the high degree of reputation and popularity of the cited marks.

Besides, the Board found no evidence to suggest that relevant consumers would consider the literal element “Nyanpion” to be a relatively as a prominent part of the contested mark. If so, the contested mark is confusingly similar to the cited mark as a whole, even if the cited mark does not contain the term “Nyanpion.”

Therefore, notwithstanding the fact that both marks have a distinctive sound, taking into account the visual and conceptual similarities, as well as the notable reputation of the cited mark, the Board has reason to believe that the contested mark, when used on the goods in question, will cause confusion with the cited mark

Based on the foregoing, the JPO declared invalidation of the contested mark in contravention of Article 4(1)(xi) and (xv).